Vesselin  zoekt een Studio in Maastricht

Vesselin zoekt: Een Studio in Maastricht

  • Studio
  • Min. 14 m2
  • Man
  • 07 Per direct

My name is Vesselin Kamenov, and I am a Business Engineering student at Maastricht University. I am currently looking for accommodation and would like to briefly introduce myself.

I am a very organized and diligent person. I value cleanliness and order in my living space, which I believe is essential, especially when sharing a home with others. Additionally, I am reliable and responsible, always paying my rent on time and adhering to any agreements made.

In my free time, I enjoy staying active with sports and fishing, basketball being my biggest passion. It helps me stay fit and also teaches me teamwork and discipline. I appreciate the coziness and tranquility of a home environment and respect the personal space of the people around me.

Best regards,
Vesselin Kamenov

Algemene informatie: Vesselin
  Man, 19 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars MU - Business Engineering (UNIVERSITEIT)